Saturday, September 27, 2008

y should u Blog(v)?

One of my friends has put up a nice post Evolution of a Blogger about the different phases through which a typical blogger goes and how he/she evolves into - what i call a "full-time" blogger.
What I liked most about that post was a reference to Stevey's Home Page. Its just too good. and this might also help you to put off people who keep on asking u "Why do u blog?" kinda questions time and again to discourage you from doing so.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

something i was not gonna post..

I had written this post from my own experience just before departing from India.
At that time, I found this post a bit too senti-types. In a conscious effort to keep senti / boring posts out of my blog, I somehow decided not to post it. Luckily it was saved as a draft in my Gmail. After reading it, I could relate with most of the things that I had written at that time and the fact that I felt ...and still feel exactly the same, makes this post quite special.

>>>>Jun 30 2008
Life's never gonna be the same again !

So.... how does a typical Indian student feel before going abroad for studies?
Its a weird feeling.I must say.
A feeling wherein you know that every single effort, every little penny that goes in after this stage is gonna be for good; but the very fact that life's gonna change forever... is really difficult to understand and express.
Your people, your belongings.. for that matter everything around you .. looks so important. You understand their value and the role they play in your everyday life.
Something within ...stops you from going away from all this .... but then you feel you have indeed come a long way after a lot of hard work ...and that you ought to move ...move ahead.. on the path of life.
You understand how much people have helped you .... you decide that you must reciprocate ...but then have to move have to move ahead ...there isn't much time left.

You decide to take the challenge...battle it ... and come back One Day...
and in silence you pray, hope and eagerly wait.. for that ...Golden Day!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

A very touching Marathi article...

Click on the image to enlarge...

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