Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Generosity lies less in giving much than in giving at the right moment.
Once, one of us kept a Rs. 5 coin as a tip after having dinner.
One of my friends took the coin back, arguing that it isn't the right time to tip. Its your parents money after all. You should start "tipping" only after u start earning yourself.
Who are you to spend Ur parents hard earned money in the form of a tip ! ?
Ahh.... that made "Absolute" sense.....!
but NOT for long....
yesterday I got this in a forwarded mail from a friend and was certainly touched!
i thank all my friends for forwarding such wonderful mails :-)
" One day, a ten-year-old boy went to an ice cream shop, sat at a table and asked the waitress, "How much is an ice-cream cone?" She said, "seventy-five cents." The boy started counting the coins he had in his hand. Then he asked how much a small cup of ice-cream was. The waitress impatiently replied, "sixty five cents." The boy said, "I will have the small ice-cream cup." He had his ice-cream, paid the bill and left. When the waitress came to pick up the empty plate, she was touched. Underneath were ten one-cent coins as tip. The little boy had consideration for the waitress before he ordered his ice-cream. He showed sensitivity and caring. He thought of others before himself. "
too good :-)
but there are some cases like .. >>these<< ".....where I would like to stick by my friends advice...! :-P
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
But I have promises to keep And Miles to go before I Sleep!
One of my friends referred to this poem while we had a little chat....
I searched for it on Google(needless to say that i found it? Its "Google" afterall!)
... and i just loved it ... specially the last para!
Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening
Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.
My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.
He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
--Robert Frost
Thursday, February 21, 2008
It is easy to forgive others for their "bugs"; it takes more grit to forgive them for having witnessed your own.
""It is easy to forgive others for their mistakes; it takes more grit to forgive them for having witnessed your own."" -- Jessamyn West.
but i had to modify it to match what i wanted to put forth....

hehehe ... too good....!!
and very true indeed..... ;-)
@buddy developers/programmers: how many cliche`s(out of the 25 given above) have u used already? :-P
any "original" excuses to add to the list :-p ??
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Trip to Walchandnagar..
We had a looonnG drive a couple of days back to Walchandnagar - A small industrial hub in a remotely secluded place about 130km from Pune.
Even though the primary intention was to eat some authentic "Hurda" directly @ the farms, we had a lot of fun along the way ...
A perfect blend of modern industrialization and close proximity to the nature is surely a rare occurence.
Needless to say I enjoyed every bit of the 10 hour trip.
Foll. >>Pics
Thursday, February 14, 2008
V-Day special ....
Aam Zindagi
Hum 1 bhi ladki nahin pata sake,
College ke 4 saal barbaad ho Gaye.
Mentos Zindagi
1 bhi ladki humein nahin pata paayi,
Sabke 4 saal barbaad ho gaye !!!!
Mentos khao mast raho Yaar. J J
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Why Me? (Nice Read!)
i never expected that fwd'ed mails can be so good....infact most of us treat them as junk ...
but this one's surely a jewel ....
Arthur Ashe, the legendary Wimbledon player was dying of AIDS which he got due to infected blood he received during a heart surgery in 1983.
From world over, he received letters from his fans, one of which
conveyed: "Why does GOD have to select you for such a bad disease"?
To this Arthur Ashe replied:
"The world over -- 50 million children start playing tennis, 5 million learn to play tennis, 500,000 learn professional tennis, 50,000 come to the circuit, 5000 reach the grand slam, 50 reach Wimbledon, 4 to semi final, 2 to the finals, when I was holding a cup I never asked GOD 'Why me?'.
And today in pain I should not be asking GOD 'Why me?' "
"Happiness keeps you Sweet,
Trials keep you Strong,
Sorrow keeps you Human,
Failure keeps you humble and Success keeps you glowing, but only Faith & Attitude Keeps you going...
Too good :-) isn't it?
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
National "Do Not Disturb/Call" Registry (NDNC)
Well ... i dont think so !
have u seen those huge trucks on highways proudly displaying a flashy text on the front "National Permit or N.P." ??
well the NDNC is left with nothing more than a similar license! National Calling Permit :-p
i heard a lot of people complaining about disgusting calls even after registering their no.s in the NDNC. If no action is taken against the culprits.....they 'll feel that NDNC is just another defunct government initiative.... and they will start calling more than ever before...
Just 20 days after my cell phone number found its way in the NDNC .... i started getting calls yet again ! and guess from whom? my service provider - Airtel !
(same old ... free ringtones...caller tunes...wallpapers... and What Not!~ )
Actually, the service providers have a moral responsibilty of enforcing the NDNC ....and they are the ones who are making every effort to make it sound nothing more than a "serious" - joke :-p
I decided to raise my voice against this .... and found these details.
As per the details .... i called up 121 - the Airtel customer support centre and explained them the whole problem.
After coming to know that the complaint is against Airtel only ! .... the customer care exec. put my call on hold ...never to answer again ;-)
As anybody would guess.... i called them up again ....this time... the reply was smart....all they said is "you need to register ur no. in the NDNC again ! "
(P.S.: I had received an official SMS from Airtel that my no. was included in the NDNC about a month ago! And i still have the SMS with the Reference No.!)
I wonder what the MTV's sizzling Mia has to say (in her too-much-americanized accent)about her favourite "Airtel" now?
Sunday, February 3, 2008
effects of modern technology
Scene in an office in the year 1950.
Colleagure A wants to pass a message to Colleague B. He goes across to his desk and tells his message.
Scene in 1970 -A sends a Inter Office Memo to B.
Scene in 1980 - A picks up the intercom and speaks to B.
Scene in 1990 -A faxes the message to B.
Scene in 2000 -A emails the message to B.
Scene in 2008 -
A says to B on intercom - Hey B , what is your fax number?
B - My fax is under repair. Can you mail it.
A - My system is down.B - Can you SMS it.
A - Too long. And I forgot your mobile number.
B - Damn I also forgot what my mobile number is.
A - Ok, go back and check your mobile number and SMS me your number. And in return I will SMS you when my system is right again and send through the message. If not you can SMS me when your fax is repaired so that I can fax it. OK?
B - Hey that is a good idea.
The next day B's fax is repaired. He sends SMS and asks A to fax it.Now A has a different problem. He has forgotten what was the message he wanted to convey !!
Hehehee ...hahaha ... very true indeed!!
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Gartner's 10 predictions for IT industry for 2008 and beyond
1. By 2011, Apple will double its American and western European market share in computers
2. By 2012, 50 per cent of traveling workers will leave their notebooks at home in favour of other devices
3. By 2012, 80 per cent of all commercial software will include elements of open-source technology
4. By 2012, at least one-third of business application software spending will be as service subscription instead of as product license
5. By 2011, early technology adopters will forgo capital expenditures and instead purchase 40 per cent of their IT infrastructure as a service
6. By 2009, more than one-third of IT organisations will have one or more environmental criteria in their top six buying criteria for IT-related goods
7. By 2010, 75 per cent of organisations will use full life cycle energy and CO2 footprint as mandatory PC hardware buying criteria
8. By 2011, suppliers to large global enterprises will need to prove their green credentials via an audited process to retain preferred supplier status
9. By 2010, end-user preferences will decide as much as half of all software, hardware and services acquisitions made by IT
10. Through 2011, the number of 3-D printers in homes and businesses will grow 100-fold over 2006 levels